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Since we began, our team has worked with regional partner organisations to understand how we can best support local transformations. This input:

  • shaped our 2021-24 strategy, research and impact priorities.
  • led to a number of projects working to support the priorities of specific regions or common challenges across regions, such as regional employment forecasting, post-mine land and infrastructure use, economic diversification and First Nations leadership.

A snapshot of projects with a regional partners, engagement and presence is below.

Bowen Basin, Queensland

Local priorities

Regional water stewardship, long-term regional economic transitions, governance during and after transitions, soil regeneration and Traditional Owner opportunities, outcomes and rights.

Past projects

Navigating the regulatory framework impacting the economic transformation of mine affected land, Post-mine land use, Mapping of regulation for mine closure.

Current projects

Identifying future economic pathways for mining regionsMine pit lake assessment and management, Regional Cumulative Effects Assessments: Stage 1 (case studies) and Evidence for climate-adapted seed sourcing.

Coolgardie, Western Australia

Future-proofing a small local government authority against the impacts of the mining boom and bust cycle

Latrobe Valley, Victoria

Local priorities

Inclusive community engagement, health, wellbeing and post-mining opportunities, longitudinal monitoring and feasible, achievable post-mine options.

Current key projects

Regional Cumulative Effects Assessments: Stage 1 (case studies), Mine Pit Lakes, Latrobe Valley rehabilitation cover trial, First Nations VET Pathways (Stages 1 & 2)

Past projects and events

2023 CRC TiME Annual Forum, Collaborative planning for post-mining development in the Latrobe Valley (Stage 1),

Northern Territory

Mine closure guidance: review and comparative analysis, First Nations VET Pathways (Stages 1 & 2)

Pilbara, Western Australia

Local priorities

Long-term regional economic transitions, Stakeholder values and coordination, regulatory environment, Water, the environment and cumulative impacts, First Nations inclusion and engagement and Awareness and understanding of closure.

Current key projects

Australian Seed Scaling Initiative, Identifying future economic pathways for mining regions, Mine pit lake assessment and management, First Nations VET Pathways (Stages 1 & 2), Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management (Stage 2),

South Australia

Current key projects

Evidence for effective climate-adapted seed sourcing strategies (trial site), Regional Cumulative Effects Assessments: Stage 1 (case studies),

South West, Western Australia

Local priorities: Regional economic transitions, Healing Country, Traditional Ecological Knowledge integration, local identity and regulatory environment.

Current key projects

Mine pit lake assessment and management,  and the Australian Seed Sourcing Initiative, Evidence for effective climate-adapted seed sourcing strategies.

Past projects

Regional Cumulative Effects Assessments: Stage 1 (case studies), Post-mining land uses.


Current key projects

Evidence for effective climate-adapted seed sourcing strategies, Identifying future economic pathways for mining regions (Bell Bay pilot)