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Project 4.6

Evidence for effective climate-adapted seed sourcing strategies

Dig Deeper Webinar: Evidence for effectiveness of climate-adapted seed-sourcing strategies

Project 4.6, Project summary

Research Program

Data Integration, Forecasting and Scale

Project Leader

Dr Rebecca Jordan

Project ID



This project will provide evidence for climate-adapted seed-sourcing strategies through experiments at four mine sites. These experiments will enable direct comparisons of local vs alternative climate-adapted seed-sourcing approaches.

The study will be a global first as alternative seed-sourcing strategies have not yet previously been tested in the field.

It involves:

  • Establishing the infrastructure for monitoring of short and long-term outcomes of post-mine revegetation success
  • Providing data and conclusions on the relative performance of these strategies for early vegetation establishment
  • Developing an experimental design that could be taken up at other mines and revegetation sites in Australia and around the world.

The project will seek to work with First Nations groups to understand their values regarding alternative seed-sourcing strategies.

Regulators will also be engaged to raise awareness about the need for climate-resilient alternatives in setting revegetation objectives.

Project Partners

BHP Group Operations Pty Ltd, Murdoch University, Flinders University, Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, Australian Genome Research Facility Limited, Heidelberg Materials, Newmont Mining Services, Revegetation Industry Association of Western Australia, Ecoplant Australia Pty Ltd, Anglo American, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Advisory Partners

Department for Energy and Mining, South Australian Government


39 months