Identifying future economic development pathways for mining regions and increasing transition capacity
Research Program
Project 1.8 Summary – Regional Economic Development
Project Leader
Dr Taryn Kong
Project Researcher
Talia Jeanneret
Project ID
The project will deliver:
- a dynamic economic model simulating workforce pressure of future changes to regional economies and local capacity to respond to these changes.
- two case study reports sharing development scenarios using the economic model, implications for future planning and ways to integrate the models with existing information and tools.
- a scoping document to support CRC TiME’s planning to make the economic model accessible to interested users and available in a more user-friendly format such as a web-based application.
Project partners
CSIRO, BHP, Geoscience Australia, Rio Tinto, The University of Western Australia.
Advisory group
Central Highlands Development Commission, Greater Whitsunday Alliance, Isaac Regional Council, The University of Queensland, Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Bell Bay Advance Manufacturing Zone Ltd., George Town Council, Northern Tasmania Development Corporation, Tasmanian Department of State Growth.
2023 – 2025