Our 2025-27 Strategy and Prioritisation Plans
Together, the strategy and plans focus us on six complex challenges preventing positive post-mine transformations where we are well-placed to make a difference.
2023-24 progress towards First Nations Inclusion
Highlights included development of an Aboriginal-led deliberation process in the Latrobe Valley, engagement in south west Western Australia and the Bowen Basin and continuation of the First Nations VET Pathways project.
Annual Report 2024
We are proud to announce the release of the CRC TiME Annual Report 2024, highlighting a year of significant progress in mine closure research and post-mine transitions.
Beneficial and productive post-mine land use inquiry
Our Opening Statement to the NSW Parliamentary inquiry into beneficial and productive post-mine land use.
About our rapid evaluation
An evaluation is underway to help provide a fuller picture of our progress to date. Your views are welcomed.
July to September 2024 engagement recap
What do the Bowen Basin, Bell Bay, Pilbara, Latrobe Valley, Northern Territory, Ohio, Maslin Beach, Stradbroke Island, Brisbane and Geraldton have in common?
There's just some of the places CRC TiME and project teams engaged to research, share and learn between July and September 2024.
Interview with Vilim Filipovic – Winner of the Outstanding Research Communication Award
Join us in congratulating the winner of the Outstanding Research Communication Award, Vilim Filipovic
Recognising excellence: Our 2024 CRC TiME Award winners
Join us in celebrating the contributions of people, projects and knowledge helping to transform what happens when mining ends for the better.
EOIs sought: CRC TiME evaluation
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are sought by CRC TiME for an evaluation.
WA Senior Leaders event – Research to support Diversify WA: Future State
Senior leaders from WA convened with the CRC TiME Board and staff to hear how our activities support the state's priorities for the future.
CRC TiME Board update: Thanking Vanessa Elliott and welcoming Shirley McPherson
Please join us in thanking our inaugural First Nations College Director Vanessa Elliott for her service to the Board, our organisation and our shared goals.
2022-23 Annual Report: Progress towards First Nations Inclusion
During 2022-23 we focused on shared benefits through a unified process of respectfully engaging with Indigenous people and organisations, partners and the First Nations Advisory Team.
2023 CRC TiME Annual Report released
Report signals maturity of world-first CRC in the face of increasing need for knowledge, tools and resources to support post-mining transformations.
August 2023 Newsletter
Read the latest news in our August 2023 newsletter.
Media Release – From liability to opportunity: Australian mine transition experts take world stage
The Cooperative Research Centre for Transitions in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) will be sharing its latest mine transition…
June 2023 Newsletter
Read the latest news in our June 2023 newsletter.
Peel Regional Growth and Major Projects Conference
Last week, our CEO Dr Guy Boggs and Communications Officer Ben Hamilton attended the Peel Regional Growth and…
February 2023 Newsletter
Read the latest news in our February 2023 newsletter.