The Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME) is thrilled to announce its first three Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarship recipients are Liz Wall, Ebony Cowan and Jake Eckersley.
The HDR recipients will complete their PhDs on an industry-defined problem and be embedded within a CRC partner organisation during their studies. Their research will contribute to strategic research initiatives outlined in CRC TiME’s Research Prioritisation Plan. This will provide a clear context to enable student-based research to contribute to real change in the industry, whilst creating opportunities to connect with thought leaders from across CRC TiME’s unique partner base.
CRC TiME Research Director, Professor Tom Measham offered his congratulations and said, “CRC TiME is committed to providing industry-experienced researchers. Our HDR scholarship program aims to produce well-rounded graduates with technical knowledge, high-level communication skills and a solution-focussed approach.”
Ebony Cowan is a plant community ecologist and PhD candidate at Murdoch University and Kings Park Science and will be working with our Operational Solutions program. Her work with CRC TiME will synthesise how resilience is used in industry and regulatory bodies, enabling a targeted effort towards promoting ecological resilience in rehabilitation.
Liz Wall is a non-executive Chair of a mining company and a consultant in assessing and addressing social and environmental impacts associated with large projects in developing countries. Liz will be working within our Regional Economic Development program, completing her PhD through UWA looking at benefit sharing models between Indigenous communities and mining companies.
Jake Eckersley is a botanist and PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia and will be working within our Operational Solutions program. Jake’s work with CRC TiME involves collaborating with Rio Tinto, BHP, Fortescue Metals group and the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, to improve vegetation monitoring and rehabilitation outcomes in the Pilbara.
Further details on our HDR scholarship recipients are available here.
CRC TiME currently has a call for Top-up scholarship applications open until 10 December 2021. Further details and application forms are available here.