Collaborative planning for post-mining development in Latrobe Valley – Stage 2
Research Program
Regional Economic Development
Project Leader
Associate Professor Jess Reeves, Federation University
Dr Tira Foran, CSIRO
Project ID
By 2035, the Latrobe Valley’s three large open-cut brown coal mines will cease operation for the purpose of primary electricity generation. The mines will be rehabilitated to a safe, stable and sustainable state. Prior to and post-relinquishment, around 130 km2 of land in close proximity to major townships, will be available for repurposing.
This project is Stage 2 of CRC TiME Project 1.7: Collaborative planning for post-mining development in the Latrobe Valley. The first stage involved working closely with the mine licensees, relevant state and local government departments and Traditional Owners to determine feasible future land use mixes for the mine land surrounding the pit voids, post coal-fired power generation. These were built into a regional (inclusive of 3 sites) economic model, incorporating three scenarios: business as usual, regenerative, and new energy focussed. These land use options and scenarios were assessed using multi-criteria co-designed by participants from diverse organisations with a strong knowledge and understanding of the Latrobe Valley.
The second stage of this project will be to present these land use mix options to the public through three separate forums for deliberation:
- Demographically-representative community panel
- Indigenous community reference group
- Youth panel
Each deliberation will be delivered using methodologies most appropriate for the target groups, with supporting reference materials and visual aids. The outcomes of the deliberations will be synthesized in a report on the future vision for the mine lands of the Latrobe Valley, clearly identifying the aspirations, concerns and opportunities elucidated by each group.
Project Partners
CSIRO, Federation University Australia, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), EnergyAustralia Yallourn, Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority, University of South Australia, AGL Energy, Engie, Latrobe Health Assembly, Loy Yang B Power Station
Advisory Project Participants
Latrobe City Council, Latrobe Valley Authority, Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation, Gippsland Tech school
12 months