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Over the next 10 years, this program will develop the data integration, forecasting and scale for CRC TiME partners to collate, share and undertake innovative research through data analytics platforms and knowledge hubs. By establishing demonstration and testing sites, this program will enable the tangible translation of solutions and technologies developed.


  • National pathways for closure innovation, demonstration testing and training: innovative and emerging technologies and solutions for mine closure can be readily tested, improved and demonstrated in the field.
  • Environmental data science analytics platforms and knowledge hubs: large complex mine environmental datasets are aggregated and analysed to enable new insights for proactive decision making risk reduction, and operational and closure planning.

Program Leader

Dr Jason Kirby

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Current projects

Dynamically transforming environmental assessment through a shared analytics framework

Project 4.1

Mine Rehabilitation Trials Online (MRTO)

Project 4.2

Network of demonstration and testing sites

Project 4.3

The CRC TiME Knowledge Hub (e-library)

Project 4.4

Abandoned mines in Australia

Project 4.5

Evidence for effectiveness of climate-adapted seed sourcing strategies for revegetation success and transition to mine closure in a changing climate

Project 4.6

A systemic approach to Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment (RCEA) - Stage 1

Project 4.7

Evaluation of an ecosystem forecasting system for rehabilitated arid landscapes

Project 4.8

Mine Pit Lake Assessment and Management: A national initiative to support mine closure and regional opportunities

Project 4.9

Defining our path to impact

Project 5.1

Foundations for Indigenous inclusion

Project 5.2

Transitions and climate change

Project 5.3