Bowen Basin and Northern Australia
- The Project 1.8 Bowen Basin Advisory Group met to provide feedback on analysis from testing of the regional employment forecasting tool being developed to support long-term planning.
- Preparations continued for establishment of a pilot site as part of research to test the effectiveness of climate adapted seed sourcing strategies. Rainfall has delayed establishment to date.
- Planning continued for our 2025 Annual Forum in Darwin. We’re connecting with local partners and champions as part of development of the program for our fifth signature event.
- We continued to work with enviroMETS QLD on Lighthouse Project 2.
Latrobe Valley
- A Youth Summit, meetings of a 30-person Community Panel and two Traditional Owner Forums held (Project 1.7) were part of extensive deliberations on options for mine land. Deliberations are continuing as part of Stage 2 of this multi-year project to identify viable, desirable and feasible options for mine land.
- Hosted by Federation University and the Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority, PhD student Shazia Inman undertook a 30-day placement in the Latrobe Valley as part of our PhD program. The placement will inform Shazia’s research on managing transitions fairly, with findings to be returned to the Latrobe Valley community.
South Australia
- Heidelberg Materials received the Gold Environment Award at the Institute of Quarrying Australia Annual Awards in October for its involvement in Project 4.6.
- The CRC TiME Board hosted its fourth Senior Leaders Breakfast in Adelaide.
- More than 40 industry, research, government and other sectoral specialists discussed findings from the first stage of our largest project at the 2024 AMD Workshop. Held in Adelaide with participants joining in-person and online from across Australia and overseas, the workshop included discussion on steps to update current industry AMD/NMD guidance and development of community resources.

Participants at the 2024 AMD Workshop.
Western Australia
- CSIRO hosted us at its Perth lab, showing algae growths in river water, waste water and mine water. The tour was an opportunity to see what could be undertaken as part of Stage 2 of an existing project looking at algae-based technologies to improve environmental outcomes – critical to making land available for repurposing.
- Clear regulatory frameworks, community support, a robust business case and sustainability and inclusivity were the four critical themes emerging from our joint information survey with enviroMETS, undertaken alongside the 2024 Mine Closure Conference.
- Engagement continued to establish the Indigenous Advisory Group as part of work for Stage 2 of a project to develop guidance for Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management processes during post-mine transitions.
- Amberley Laverick began an internship at the Mid-West Development Commission as part of the CRC TiME PhD Top Up Scholarship Program.
- The Bell Bay Advisory Group also met to provide feedback on analysis as part of Project 1.8. Rachel Dunn, Indigenous Research Officer, is supporting the team to connect with local Aboriginal people and organisations.
Sharing nationally and globally for impact
CRC TiME and Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining attendees at the 2024 Aboriginal Enterprises in Mining, Energy and Exploration Conference.
- Our team attended the Aboriginal Enterprises in Mining, Energy and Exploration Conference in October, learning about what is important to Indigenous businesses in mine closure and transitions and sharing data and findings from projects, including the ‘Restoring Country’ series and ‘Enabling mine closure and transitions: Opportunities for Australian industry’ report.
- Research Director Tom Measham joined a United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) conference panel remotely to discuss the phase out of coal in the region.
- Program 1 Leader Fiona Haslam McKenzie chaired the OECD Conference of Mining Regions and Cities panel on ‘Strengthening education for local skills of the future and addressing misconceptions about mining’ in Sudbury, Canada. Incoming Program Leader 1 Natalie Brown also attended.
- Planning ramped up for the Global Coal Transitions Research Workshop in Brisbane in May.