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Dig Deeper webinar: Translating research into action

Professor Longbin Huang from the University of Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute shares his experience in developing ecological engineering technology for managing and rehabilitating mine wastes, such as tailings.

Many brilliant ideas have never made it to the real world, despite initial exciting proofs of concept under well-defined and controlled conditions. There is a long distance to cover from a proof of concept into a robust and field-feasible technology. The real-world solution is a system housing the fundamental process or mechanism, which interfaces with many biophysical and socio-economic aspects within the total system. These interactions could weaken the impacts of the core mechanisms due to the noises caused by these aspects.

Our presenter, Professor Longbin Huang from the University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute, will take this opportunity to share his experience in the development of ecological engineering technology for managing and rehabilitating mine wastes, such as tailings. This information can help researchers in the field of mined land rehabilitation realise their translation research success and help the mining industry transition from currently engineering-centric into nature-based rehabilitation with cost-effective, non-polluting and sustainable outcomes.

Please register for the webinar. ​We look forward to seeing you.